"Kivinaki coffee to the world"

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The Association of Agricultural Producers COFFEE AGRO is a non-profit association incorporated on March 31, 1999 and registered in PR dated 16/04/1999 in the Public Records Selva Central Registry Office, Title No. 1686 record No. 181 heading No. 02.00465 million; It has 154 members, of which 115 are men and 39 are women.


The Association of Agricultural Producers COFFEE AGRO was created to integrate other producers and affiliate them to a modern system of production and marketing of coffee and to make purchases for the common benefit of its members all aimed at making the crop more profitable coffee.

Our agricultural production is certified as organic by certification as IMO CONTROL, Fairtrade and Starbucks, which allow us to use the stamps to sell our product, the same that are being produced by protecting the environment and paying a fair price which enable cover the production costs of our farmers and maintaining a profit margin for them



Asociación de Productores Agrarios Agro Cafe

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